Assignemnt #54 and Magic 8 Ball


    ///Name: Daniel Rhees
    ///Period: 5
    ///Project Name: Magic 8 Ball
    ///File Name:
    ///Date: 1/14/2016
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Magic8Ball
      public static void main ( String[] args )
          Random r = new Random();
          int choice = 1 + r.nextInt(15);
          String response = "";
          if ( choice == 1 )
            response = "It is certain";
          else if ( choice == 2 )
            response = "It is decidedly so";
          else if ( choice == 3 )
            response = "Without a doubt";
          else if ( choice == 4 )
            response = "Yes - definitely";
          else if ( choice == 5 )
            response = "You may rely on it";
          else if ( choice == 6 )
            response = "As I see it, yes";
          else if ( choice == 7 )
            response = "Most likely";
          else if ( choice == 8 )
            response = "Outlook good";
          else if ( choice == 9 )
            response = "Signs point to yes";
          else if ( choice == 10 )
            response = "Yes";
          else if ( choice == 11 )
            response = "Reply hazy, try again";
          else if ( choice == 12 )
            response = "Ask again later";
          else if ( choice == 13 )
            response = "Better not tell you now";
          else if ( choice == 14 )
            response = "Cannot predict now";
          else if ( choice == 15 )
            response = "Concentrate and ask again";
            response = "8-BALL ERROR!";
          System.out.println( "MAGIC 8-BALL SAYS: " + response );

Picture of the output

Assignment 54